This is Godless Avatar, where the gods like to whine and the mortals haven't got a clue.

very human thing to do
characters, human and otherwise

losing my religion
basic info on random things

there is nonbeing
gallery of images and the like

not your khakis
links outta here

more than knitting
contact me. no, really.

round and round we go
back to the beginning

First comic Previous comic
Two new pages, 'cuz I'm a bum and was late with the first one, and 'cuz the first page is just a cover. Been lovin' me some Open Canvas; who knows if I'll return to my photoshop-pencil-oekaki-esque style. I certainly don't. Hopefully there'll be another page on Wednsday. We'll see. Until then, enjoy the freakishness that is Adarial/Shivetth.

DEC Feb 2004
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