This is Godless Avatar, where the gods like to whine and the mortals haven't got a clue.

very human thing to do
characters, human and otherwise

losing my religion
basic info on random things

there is nonbeing
gallery of images and the like

not your khakis
links outta here

more than knitting
contact me. no, really.

round and round we go
back to the beginning

I am link free, and am still working on banners and the like. But here are the comics that I frequent or just think are nifty. Enjoy.


By Tessa Stone. Craaaaziness and style I only wish I had. The character designs make me want to stab out my eyes with sporks, they're that wonderful. Go now, lest I sic ninjas on you, and read, and be amazed.

By Arborwin. Beautiful, swooshy lines and noses that make me drool; gorgeous art, amazing plot, delicious characters. Shounen ai subplots and occasional rampant violence and angst.

By Leigh Bader. Post-technological apocalypse type of futuristic setting, again with the gorgeous art and yummy, yummy coloring for the yummy, yummy character. Shounen ai and Shikai's creepy sunglasses.

By Sandra D. I'm really bad at writing link summaries. So go read the comic, because if you don't, Tabitha will send tentacle monsters to nest in your toilet. Heavy shounen ai themes, but also het and random, random stuff.

By Aoi Hayashi. Pretty, professional manga style art; anti-social angst-boy meets exchange-student angst-boy, and large amounts of *gasp!surprise!* angst ensue. But it ensues quite prettily, and the relationships between all of the characters are so well done that we forgive the excessive angst and demand more prettiness. Shounen ai.

By Lyn. Reincarnation and Hindu gods and Evil and other fun things like that. Snarky humor and nifty characters abound, and I adore the way she colors hair.

By Tochi. Mmm, Chinese Zodiac gods. And little shrimp things and Mao's ever changing hair cut. Lovely art and lovelier plot; if you haven't read it, you should.

By Faith. Another one of those 'if you haven't read it yet, what are you still doing here?' comics, D101 simply r0xx0rs. No, really, it does.

By S Howell. There's nothing like well drawn and colored gore to make my day, there really isn't. Vampires and funny dog people and shiny swords and all sorts of disturbing and violent things make this comic require adult supervision...But Riley is such a snarky badass that you really shouldn't care. Mmm, Riley.

By Tengu. I'm still not sure if it has a plot, but Narancs has sideburns, so that's okay. And Sein has a dragon, so that's okay too. The title, "Fire Always Makes It Better" should tell you a little about it...lotsa random violence, but in a good way.

By Vera. Not me, the other one. No, not that one, the other one. It's about mail. And monsters. And string cheese. I think. Either way, you should read it, because it's cool.

By Brion Foulke. A jester and a knight and the zany, epic adventures they encounter. Only it's cooler than that, I promise.

Godless Avatar is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Yeah Keenspace!